PierreandJulie-live sex stripping with LIVE Cams


14 thoughts on “PierreandJulie-live sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. Check out Fair Play. There’s a book, a documentary and actionable card deck to help couples really understand how the division of labor skews in their household. It’s almost always more towards the woman. I haven’t gone through the exercises but it’s essentially there to be a unbiased, numbers based look at how much work your fiancé is really doing. It will help him see that he’s not doing a lot and the progress is not better.

    If he realizes this is important to you and he values your relationship enough to change, then he will go through these exercises with you.

  2. Your mother would also need to reciprocate a deeper level of communications and feelings;that may not be possible. My dad is emotionally abusive and sets me off every time I talk with him, and I have drifted away from him over a few decades and now have short conversations every few months with him. Parental issues can run pretty deep and I would recommend speaking with a therapist about your relationship if you are finding difficulties to communicate. A therapist can help strategize ways of communicating or help you adjust to your relationship. I have worked with therapists over the years to accept my parents approach to how they treat me and worked to adjust my relations to them based on this and how I feel about them.

    To be clear, I am not saying your mother is abusive, just using my more extreme situation as an example.

  3. These comments are wild. OP says that it’s his wife’s idea, he’s happy to let his son win, etc. But everyone in here just automatically assumes that he is an asshole for some reason. His wife is lying to him, that’s not a healthy relationship whether she wants to protect her son or not. She could protect him while being on the same page as her husband.

    This could also be really manipulative behavior on her part to make her son like her more than his father because he can beat her, but not him. While she just continues to gaslight him about reality and drive him more insane.

  4. That's part of it tho–for you, it's a regular habit and sure, it is for plenty of people. But I think most of us are awful about not clearing stuff out until we start getting storage issues.

    If he's always done this, NBD. If this is new behavior, it's sketchy.

    That said, I fully admit I'm a wee bit jaded as my now ex-husband significantly changed his phone habits once he started having a stateside affair (the others were in Europe). That was a red flag I sadly ignored for way too long.

  5. Have you explained the best friend relationship? How often do you go out with best friend alone? How often do you text/call? When you are in a relationship do you put your significant other before your best friend?

  6. I get you, my mind would definitely start racing if you told me your ex was an underwear model.

  7. You had so many chances to prove that you are ready to change and make it work yet you didn't but now that he broke up with you suddenly you are serious.

    Leave that guy be and work on yourself before pursuing another relationship because you are not ready for one. Love is only portion of healthy working relationship.

  8. How he feels about his behaviour is relevant to him. It is not at all relevant to you.

    Your entire focus now should be on how you feel when this happens, and whether you're willing to be made to feel that way going forward.

    I hope the answer is no ❤️

  9. Tell him to drop it, end of conversation. You need this time to remain sane and grounded so he just needs to accept it. If he wants to plan excursions on other weekends that you're available then fine but he has to plan and execute, not drop it in your lap.

  10. Communication is key! We all have different boundaries and insecurities. It’s important that he knows how you feel by talking to him about it rather than trying to make him understand through psychological techniques.

  11. Not only that… chances are he’ll make it your fault if/when he gets caught… I don’t know… you do you, but he sounds like an a**hole from the information you shared

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