I had to double check her age. 35?! I could maybe understand this response from her if she was 20, but come on. That’s just way too closed minded for me.
If she wanted to be with you exclusively, she would be. She is a dishonest, lying cheater. Is that really what you are looking for in a soul mate? And you think you’ve been too morally righteous? What a joke. You’re no better than she is. You two probably deserve each other.
Everyone loves conditionally.
You do, anyway.
Throw his punk ass away. It's not your fault he didn't orgasm. A good partner will find joy in your pleasure, not hold it against you.
I had to double check her age. 35?! I could maybe understand this response from her if she was 20, but come on. That’s just way too closed minded for me.
If she wanted to be with you exclusively, she would be. She is a dishonest, lying cheater. Is that really what you are looking for in a soul mate? And you think you’ve been too morally righteous? What a joke. You’re no better than she is. You two probably deserve each other.
Oh come on this is a troll right? No grown man is this oblivious right…? Ugh