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Bad_Babelive sex stripping with hd cam


12 thoughts on “Bad_Babelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Pregnancy is wild blah blah blah. Yeah it is, but that doesn’t mean you need to let yourself take verbal abuse or emotional manipulation. Y’all are both sooo young. I feel like a lot of this is just emotional immaturity on both of your behalves.

  2. You are twenty six year old. It is ridiculous that you don't give Christmas gifts. They do not have to cost thousands of dollars. Even little children give gifts at the holidays.

  3. You're not breaking up with him because of the dog, you're breaking up with him because he's an irresponsible idiot. I doubt the dog is the only evidence of this, it's just the only evidence that will literally bite you.

  4. He most likely then by the sounds of it wants to distance himself from you now since the process is almost done (hell, he could think that you would be 'enthusiastically' trying to finish the process ASAP to 'make it up to him')

    He also could be cheating, lack of sex life can be a sign and there is an increase rate of men cheating on pregnant/post partun wives. Also imo he was doing projecting so very hot he projected onto an inanimate object. While there were times YOU werent alone/had the opportunity, the question begs if HE had the opportunity, loke when you go to friends or out with the baby.

    When you put the lingere/toys in the box way back and hid it in the closet, where they still in the original boxes/bags? Did they still have their tags on them? And then what about when he pulled them out? If the lignere had ghe tags taken off and you didnt do it then that probs mean someone else wore them, and if the vibrator was in its original packaging and suddenlu was out of it, why would he take it out to just accuse you?

    I honestly would stop the process, even just pause it until you either leave (try to contact any local friends, like the one who babysat, for support/help safely leavint and mention how he kicked you out onto a recliner to sleep) or until you find a way to move past this and whatever tf his deal is (though its looking to me like he is either cheating or using you, or maybe even both)

    Also by your accounts it sounded like ypu guys bought a cheaper version or discussed doing so. You just upgraded it to better quality. That would make partners more happy I woild think? Unless he is super insecure, in which case thats still not healthy…

    He also was dodging your question and it was quite possible the logic doesnt make sense because he came up with it on the spot to make up an excuse to distance himself from you/start the process of distancing himself. If he was facing/near the closet he may have remembered the fight you two had and brought it up to cover his ass/justify him being irrationally upset. He is gaslighting you to try making it seem like gis logic and you needing to bendover backwards to satisfy his logic/make it up to him is “logical” or “rational”, when we all know its not.

    He also probably stopped having sex with you have the baby was born because he probably was hoping having a baby with you would solidify his chances of citizenship/PR as 1) he now has a child here and 2) you 'wouldnt leave him' since he makes a lot of the money (Im assuming? Correct if wrong) and now 'has no use of you/there is now no reason for sex' since there is already a child.

    Has he bonded with your baby well? Or has he ignored it/left everything up to you? If he has ignored your baby then he probably was just using the both of you imo and I honestly would stop the process of his citizenship.

    But idk, this is just my conspiracy theory brain going on a ramble.

    Goodluck OP

  5. No no, you see, his Christmas gift would come in September after all her birthday presents to him!

    Presents of.. snacks she likes (and will no doubt be eating) and a $30 bathrobe on sale.

  6. If you don't want to date someone who plays games all the time, you need to stop dating someone who plays games all the time. He's shown you he's not going to change.

  7. Abusers wait until their victim is trapped (like when they are pregnant) to ramp up the abuse. You are not safe with your husband.

  8. i agree but i´m sure she´s gonna want to know why he´s dumping her, since according to op she´s perfect in every other way except her looks, by come clean i meant telling her that he´s been wasting her time because he could never see a long term relationship with her

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