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8 thoughts on “barbiehumpxxxlive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. All he is doing is exposing his insecurities and jealousy towards your drive and commitment to being a better version of you! Deep down he wants to ask you for help to gain the endurance to work on something he may be self conscious about! But of course it looks and feels better to his ego to put you down so he feels better for a minute or two!! I would distance him and entertain other company!

  2. I wouldn't suggest you staying in this relationship because 1. the more you recover your life after substance abuse your maturity levels will be too different 2. no 40 year old would date a 20 year old UNLESS he had issues getting with a person his age – think about what those issues seem to be. 3. there IS power play, like it or not, and even you know it's not a healthy relationship and you're with him due to your daddy issues.

    Right now you both have a connection of rehab and the toll it takes on a person, but that's not enough to have a healthy fulfilling relationship and in worst case if one of you starts using again, the other will follow after.

  3. When a person has the “Pink-Tinted glasses” on, his/her SO is perfect.

    But you know he is not.

    I mean, she cut out her father for him.

  4. 100% speak with a lawyer! What she did was illegal. I would absolutely press charges. That’s no friend of yours.

  5. The police did not conduct a proper investigation.

    As much as it was a domestic related incident, they have a duty of care to investigate the complaint of theft of your personal property.

    Make a complaint to their Supervisor. If the Supervisor doesn’t act, make a complaint to the Staff Sergeant… go up the chain until there’s accountability.

    Refusal to perform their sworn in duties can result in penalties, fines and further penalties up to and including termination circumstances dependent. That depends on the level of neglect of duty and if they have a history of it.

    I’m sorry they were unhelpful, but show them you mean business

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