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Fairy_Girl_live sex stripping with Live HD


9 thoughts on “Fairy_Girl_live sex stripping with Live HD

  1. I believe he is showing a big red flag by thinking it's okay to take his anger out on you. You can't control other people's behavior, & he can't be mad at you for how another person is acting. If anything he should be appreciative you're communicating honestly about your ex.

  2. Guess I’m the odd one out… but my partner only snores in one sleep position and most of the time it’s now like cute white noise for me (5 years of getting used to it). There are nights where I wanna ditch the bed it’s so loud, but most nights in very comforting and I love to hear it. Thankfully, if I move positions he will stir and roll over and the snoring halts. On the nights it really bothers me I turn up the TV or focus on a podcast. But as others mentioned, your bf should do a sleep study with a specialist.

  3. Funny enough, statistically men and women have the same intelligence, but most women are “smarter” then most men, statistically that is 😉

  4. As a 23yro guy who's dated a few women in their mid to late 30's in the last year or so, I get the appeal of wanting to be with someone who's older and seemingly more mature. But I see now that it's like they wanted to get something back from their youth or thought I'd be a fun option or less jaded or whatever; and that's not mature. When things ended I invariably would feel like my whole world was rocked, like this sense of mature stability was gone, but it was just a sense of it. Sure I learned a thing or two from them, but I came to see the things wrong with them that made them seek out a guy in his early 20's.

    Looking back, I feel like I was used. Can't imagine how that would feel for a woman my age.

  5. Okay so imagine you online in Indiana and you meet a really cute guy at a bar. You start dating and eventually get married and have kids. You decide to do a genetic test for fun. It turns out that you guys are related…… and that there are also 75 more people out there that are your biological half siblings. You don’t see the problem with that? Or what if your kids meet one of your half siblings’ kids. Etc

  6. Aw your bf is very earnest and sweet.

    In the meantime while you find a therapist, I suggest the following:

    lessen your time on social media platforms that centred around beauty/pics of other women.

    Stuff like IG, tik tok, hiding or unfollowing YouTube beauty gurus, editing what shows up on your Facebook timeline etc originally when people have me this advice I thought it was stupid and baseless. However, ever since I tapered down (tried cold turkey a few times, only to rebound back on the gram) and now I pretty much never use it, I've noticed a significant improvement on my self-esteem. I still have intrusive thoughts about my own body dysmorphia, but the frequency and self-deprecating intensity have gone down.

    start practicing accepting compliments. You can do an exercise with your boyfriend: everyday, at any time you must compliment him, and he must compliment you. The compliments have to be geniune and unique each day. Also they don't have to necessarily be compliments on physical appearance. After a month of doing this you can either stop or slowly ween off by reducing it from daily> weekly> monthly

    e.g “I really liked the dinner you made yesterday, you're a great cook and it was absolutely delicious” eg “you are so fashionable! Your color coordination with your outfit is aesthetic ✨️” eg “you are so handsome/beautiful and you have a wonderful smile” eg “your new hairdo suits you!”

    train yourself brain to like you or at least be neutral to you.

    Try to use the mirror less, take less selfies etc; anything reduce how frequently see yourself. This may not work for you, but it did for me. I was able to take my mind off of how I looked for a while. At the time I couldn't convince my brain of self-love, so the best I could do was convince brain to be neutral/not self conscious. (Out of sight, out of mind kinda thing) pretend that your appearance is actually someone else. When you see your reflection try to think “that's not me, it is a good friend and she's pretty” (even if you still don't feel so, just repeat over and over “My friend in the mirror is so pretty” and it will linger in your mind si that eventually, you will subconcioisly think that. Sometimes it helps to step back to introduce a new way of thinking. At some point though you will stop pretending it's not you, say to yourself “oh that pretty girl in the mirror isn't another person, it was me all along!” Or “my friend in the mirror is now a really good friend. A true friend to herself, a confident friend who loves herself, and I am now that friend”

    If you want more advice lmk and I can say more later. I'm kinda falling asleep rn and it's getting harder to rypw coherently

    – start taking pride in yourself with things that don't have to do with your appearance. Eg “I am smart, I solved X issue so efficiently”, “I'm a good artist. I'm still lacking in some areas, but I have improved so much from when I originally started painting”, “I excel at staying organized and punctional. My coworkers value these traits in me”

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