Gabbi_ilive sex stripping with Live HD


14 thoughts on “Gabbi_ilive sex stripping with Live HD

  1. I asked a guy our and dated him for 3 months, then I broke up with him bc he was being too much of a puppy dog and never showing me what he actually wanted. We were then friends for 6 months, and during that time he didn’t care as much what I thought of him bc he was pissed at me. Then I asked him out again. He thought about it for a few days, including asking me what changed, and I explained that, so he said yes. We’ve now been together 20 years.

  2. You sound like you don’t want to breakup you love her but you feel pressure that the relationship is going super fast due to the circumstances. I’ll say give time and see how things would developed

  3. Does it grow on your body? Yes? Then it's normal. It's abnormal to want your woman to look like a pre pubescent GIRL imo.

  4. I'm no psychologist but I'm pretty sure actual narcissistic people never see anything wrong with their behaviour.

  5. Hello /u/nothingaccount1993,

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  6. My mother is an adult and if she's consenting and that's what my parents have agreed to, it's none of my business. You don't have to like it, I get that it would take some processing, but judging them is out of line, and being a jerk about it is ridiculous.

  7. And at the same time, for some it can change nothing at all. Been on birth control for years, the only side effect I’ve ever experienced is not getting pregnant !

  8. Just ask her if she wants to talk about it the next time she brings it up. If she says no, then let it drop.

  9. Tell her. I’m willing to bet my bank account she is perfectly healthy and oblivious. I wouldn’t believe a word that comes out of his mouth.

  10. What he did was manipulation. It was also performative, because he knows exactly how much you don't want to cause your mom distress. He may even have known someone was going to spill the beans to you.

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