Heather, y.o.
Room subject:
To Start live! video press there
Live Live Sex Chat rooms Heather
Date: September 21, 2022
Heather, y.o.
Room subject:
To Start live! video press there
Why is he insisting the relationship has to be “secret”? I mean are you the side piece and is the other woman really an “ex”?
If this guy tells you who you can and can’t talk too he’s NOT good for you and being controlled is NOT love by any means
Stand up to him, End this and KNOW you can do better……Going forward please do not let ANYONE treat you like this
He sounds like a asshole, why are you with a gambling abusive man? I mean what exactly does he does for you. And don’t say it’s because you love him because if he loved you back he wouldn’t treat you like this.
Perhaps he thinks because you’re back together he knows you won’t leave him for good so can treat you like crap.
Please do better.
I swear people that study psychology are some of the most unhinged people. Set some boundaries and tell her to back off.
I swear people that study psychology are some of the most unhinged people. Set some boundaries and tell her to back off.
Yeah. I’m out after that. I have no desire to try and come back from that with anyone.