Mafer Ruiz on-line webcams for YOU!



Date: October 15, 2022

18 thoughts on “Mafer Ruiz on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. I agree with so much of this. But just want to underline the idea that grocery shopping is “so easy on an app! Just click click click!” This is the lie I was telling myself for awhile. Like “it's not naked, just clicking, I'll do it when the kids are in bed” then it's 11pm and my brain is freakin shot and I'm trying to buy $300 worth of groceries and I can't even remember food names ? I have to remind myself “it is WORK” and I have to set up time when my brain is fresh so I can do a good job. Does that app make it easier? Oh god yes. But it's still work

  2. Just ask about it.

    He could be using “party” in a general sense. Either way, he told you he’s hanging with the guys. What difference does it make?

  3. He did say it at the start in a funny way. But later the relationship started deteriorating in terms of communication and I asked him for video chats and he was not ready for it then I said I am going ahead with my life then I realised that I was attached to him and I am not able to move on. I asked him again what he wants. But he was not clear.

  4. It’s expected, almost no one would be fine with that. If you asked something like “how are you” and forgot to respond it would not be as bad but she opened up about something very personal and you ignored her. Unless there is a major crisis, no one is that busy to respond to a text for 2 days. You can use Google translate, grammar checkers to type a text and most people are okay with grammatical errors and spelling errors when you speak in a non-native language.

  5. Hello /u/cambrysdad,

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  6. Hello /u/Aussie-cfa,

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  7. I'm unemployed but I couldn't walk the dog Tf is wrong with people? Poor animals being stuck with you people

  8. You two are not comparable. And why would the lesbian confront the other woman? She owes nothing to the lesbian and could continue to pursue the gay man at free will since the gay man is encouraging it. If the gay man was commuted to the lesbian that’s one thing but he’s obviously not. Why even date each other? This just sounds like a mess for no reason. What is the point? Break up and be with people who you are attracted to and WANT to be with. The gay man is going to leave soon anyway.

  9. The “ick” is something someone does that turns you off. Some examples of icks would be seeing your partners butt crack while they try to get out of the car, or seeing them blow their nose and looking into the tissue, etc.. It is usually used to describe little silly cringey/gross stuff. Usually people wouldn’t break up with their partner of a few years over an “ick.” I’m assuming OP is using the term wrong, and there is an actual issue, rather than just an ick.

  10. Size. Does. Not. Matter.

    Do you know the best sex I’ve ever had with a dude? It was a guy who knew how to play guitar and played me like he was strumming his guitar.

    Take that insecurity and let it inspire you to actually learn techniques to please your partner. You have a brain and a hand, I’m sure you can figure it out with research and practice.

  11. You are living with someone you have known for 2 mos. You’re both a bunch of ???.

    Your therapist is correct.

  12. You're too young to be stuck in a marriage like this. Even with talking and therapy, your husband will likely never change or if he does change, it will be for a few weeks and then go back to his old ways.

    You deserve a loving, equal, respectful relationship, and it's out there.

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