Masu the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD


Masu, 18 y.o.


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Masu

Masu online sex chat

Date: October 12, 2022

12 thoughts on “Masu the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Especially since they don’t see each other too too much to begin with. It’s not like they live! together and she wants to go home to her parents for 2 weeks or something she practically gets “space” majority of the time as is. Not a good sign

  2. Girl, come on. This is not because you are autistic. You knew how to behave when sober, but you said too much when drunk. You clearly know what is socially appropriate in this context. Don’t try to deflect. Because autism didn’t make you say shit. Alcol did. And you are fully responsible for your alcol consumption.

    Sorry but I can’t find any excuse for how you behaved.

  3. For babies- all vaccines as necessary. My degree is in medicine, I am still studying to go further in medicine. While I cannot make your choices for you, or for her, I for strongly suggest that you think over this, not just for wife's health but your childs.

    Babies immune systems are not developed like an adult. The immune system works kind of like a test- would you find it easy to take a test for class you had never had, with no notes and no book? Probably not. But if you had taken the class, had notes, and were allowed to use your classbook, that would likely be a lot easier. The immune system is the same- yes, it is “built” to fight off diseases and illnesses, but the way it works is when our bodies get a virus, or get a bacteria, our antibodies work to recognize certain proteins on these viruses and bacteria that work like an alarm to tell the body INTRUDER. The body then makes new antibodies that can help recognize these intruders faster, so that you can fight these illnesses better.

    But, your body doesn't magically have antibodies for every illness. If you've never had chickenpox, and you come into contact with the chickenpox virus, your body has to try and fight the illness while it is making new antibodies because it has never seen this virus before. This can lead to fever, rash, and even more serious symptoms like allergic reactions, or death.

    But, just like notes and a coursebook, vaccines help to lessen these symptoms or stop them from occurring by teaching your body to make these antibodies and recognize these viruses before you ever even get it. So, if or when you ultimately come into contact with these viruses, your body is already ready to go- its taken the class, it has the notes and the book, and it is prepared to fight this virus.

    Babies have never been in contact with any of these viruses or bacteria. Their immune system has no antibodies against these, has no clue what its fighting, and has no “notes” on the subject. The reason doctors urge babies to get so many vaccines is to give the body these “study notes.” It is to help prevent serious lifetime injury or death by not allowing the body to HAVE to fight these viruses with “no notes.” And because babies have a MUCH weaker immune system than adults, simple viruses like influenza (the flu) can quite literally kill an infant. Their body just isn't prepared to fight it.

    So while Im all for using herbs or natural products when you can and if you support those (with research of course), for babies the whole “their immune system will just fight it off” mentality can result in death. It is not a chance that I would personally take with my own children.

    Now, as I stated, I cannot make your decisions for you. But if your wife is so anti-medicine that she won't even attempt to help herself by getting possible PPD treated, can you absolutely, without a doubt trust that her “no doctors” stance is the BEST choice for your baby? Would she even make the best choice for your baby given the chance, or would she allow her own personal feelings about modern medicine to put herself, and your baby at risk? Something to think on.

  4. You’re missing some key info – what was it that you shared? Is it something that could have potentially made her feel unsafe?

  5. If he gives you any reason to mistrust him then you can start worrying about it but it doesn't sound like he's hiding anything

  6. I guess it's just a case of prepare for the worst, but hope for the best. Shit happens and I'm sure most people have heard plenty of horror stories (especially on this sub). If something ever happened, neither of us should feel trapped. If your husband snapped one day and became abusive, developed a gambling or drug problem, or if he cheated on you, how would you handle it? I don't think anyone marries someone expecting these things to happen.

    We would consider a “yours-mine-ours” setup, but our finances are pretty simple right now and it's not really necessary to have that “ours” account yet. I pay for everything except some property taxes and some home maintenance.

    But again, money wasn't the issue. We on-line simple lives and we will basically be giving back later on.

  7. It sounds like he is starting a program to isolate your from your friends and family. This is a massive red flag.

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