Miya-Oni on-line sex cams for YOU!



Date: October 30, 2022

9 thoughts on “Miya-Oni on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Yeah she probably did things in that hotel. The fact that they invited you but she told them you was busy when you wasn’t is a tell tell right there she wanted to be solo

  2. Better to end it now, if you think it will be easier to end it after the passing of her father I think you’re mistaken.

    She won’t be processing the grief yet so your news will be better delivered now than when she’s fully in the downward spiral.

    She’s cheated before, she cheated on you “it’s a one time thing” well no it’s not really is it. Jump ship

  3. I think you might be right. I haven’t actually told anyone yet because I’m a bit embarrassed to be honest. I think in my head I’m trying to get organised but I know it’ll be inconvenient to stay with family at the moment and will be very hot to leave and so delaying it a bit. Also my brain is doubting myself…as in Whenever he is nice and loving and talking about the future etc I’m like oh maybe he wasn’t cheating, even though I’ve seen actual evidence, including nudes taken in our flat and hearing his voice on voice notes. Need to try be strong.

  4. I realize I've just been hoping things were going to get better if I put in more effort. Shes been my best friend for many years so letting that go will be painful, but I think you're all right that it's not healthy. I worry what will become of her too, she's been steadily cutting off her own family and old friends.

  5. Wow, you guys have really cool ideas, def gon try this one out today. Hopefully, shes there today, fingers crossed. Thanks a lot for helping out…!

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