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Olivia_Icelive sex stripping with hd cam


12 thoughts on “Olivia_Icelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Hello /u/ThrowRAadvicev,

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  2. I am furious, but I also know my wife is having a very difficult pregnancy so far in terms of all-day sickness (not just “morning”) and I don't want to confront her with a lot of extra stress right now. (After thinking about it I absolutely do want to confront her, I just don't think it's going to do much good when she's throwing up 10 times a day or constantly queasy.)

    My next step will be requesting marriage counseling (if not immediately, then well before her due date) so we can sort this out with a professional.

  3. He’s 38. This is who he is, and it’s not changing, especially when he faces zero consequences for being this way.

  4. Idk that I feel brave, but I appreciate it. I think I got so tired of feeling weak that I knew I had to try something else. It's normal to have a lot to think about right now, especially when considering making big life changes. At least you know what you have to consider, and that can give you a starting point. My biggest advice is to go with what your gut says. Not what he promises, not the words being told to you, not the part of your brain that goes “well, I've already invested in this and the kids and blah blah blah” (my brain did that too lol) but your gut, your intuition.

    If you see something there that you feel is worth fighting for, then by all means, go for it if you feel that'll be what's right for you. Just remember to give yourself a goal to work towards if you do that. My goal was I wanted to be in a better emotional place with him in a year. Unfortunately, a year came and went and we were even worse, so that showed me that what I needed (support and stability) wasn't possible, at least not with him.

    If you do decide to try one more time to make it work, your goal doesn't have to be that extreme but mark a time period in your head where you can look back and see if there's been any positive progress. That can help a lot when deciding how you want to move forward in the future. Also, if you're able, write your feelings down daily. That can give you a great indication of how you're feeling on a day-to-day basis, as well as show you with your own words if things are improving or not. I wish you all the luck in whatever you decide to do!

  5. My wife doesn't text me for two days sometimes.

    Just take a breath and relax. People can sense your impatience and many don't like that, especially before a relationship has even started.

  6. In this case, it’s 100% the parents fault. OP is not even saying his wife’s age. The kid is definitely feeling replaced by this do-over family that OP got.

  7. Sorry, that's on me for not clarifying. She started making the jokes after I'd already agreed to on-line with Polly. I wouldn't have chosen to house share with Polly if I'd known it would make my girlfriend uncomfortable.

  8. To give background, where we’re from, the topic of sex before marriage is still a slightly taboo topic and she comes from a conservative family so I would understand her take on it. Its just that her being hostile because of my opinion is whats making me rethink our relationship. I should reinforce and consider my own needs and find someone respectful and mature in handling situations like this before its too late.

  9. He was feeling ill and caught off guard. People do not always react well under those circumstances.

    What's more rude is the wife blind siding him and then berating him when he didn't act like she wanted. And then ignoring that he felt bad.

    What they both have is poor communication and most likely low emotional intelligence. They are both seeing things only their own way and neither one is “giving in”. Not that anyone needs to give in, but both could definitely address how they could have acted better in the situation and tried to alleviate the other's mind.

    However this reminds me of my failed marriage. By the end I was always so tired and stressed from my wife never seeing anything outside of her narrow focus. And me always having to apologize when I hadn't done anything wrong, because she has no ability to regulate her emotions and saw anything outside her control as a threat, that I would react like OP: tired, uncommunicative, etc

  10. I would have never been able to communicate with my sister after such a betrayal. Your “ex-boyfriend” cheated on you with your sister. Your ex-boyfriend and sister knew exactly what they were doing and how it would be perceived. I would cut both of them loose. Your sister does not care for your feelings at all. Only a person who is selfish and only cares about themselves would do that to someone that they are supposed to love.

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