RavenSensations live sex chats for YOU!


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Date: March 30, 2023

3 thoughts on “RavenSensations live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Either she trusts u or she doesnt. No trust=no relationship. And let her know, if someone wants to cheat, they will find a way whether u have access or not. My ex husband did & we shared everything.

  2. Wow. So he didn't just cheat once he cheated several times with different people? You should have left. I can understand a lot of what you are asking but you can't ask him to get rid of his friend. It's his friend so of course he's going to have your boyfriend's back. It's not his friend's responsibility to keep your BF in line. So I think that was too much. From what it sounds like is you keep bringing up his cheating every time you have a fight. Unfortunately that's what happens when you give someone else a chance. If you give him a second chance you need to give him a second chance. Which means not holding it over his head and Stop bringing it up in arguments. A second chance means you forgave him. Now to clarify I'm not defending him. I personally wouldn't have given him a second chance. Once a cheater always a cheater. But most people who do give their partner a second chance will do what you are doing. They say that the person is forgiven but will always bring it up whenever they fight. I know people who even a year later are still bringing it up in fights. If you are bringing it up that means his cheating is still on your mind and you don't trust him. That's another reason why giving someone a second chance isn't worth it. You need to bury your feelings and those feelings come out in arguments. Unless you truly forgive him that will always happen. My suggestion is to just leave. It's really not worth it. He will either cheat again or he will start to resent you for making him do all these things you want him to do. You are basically putting him on a leash. Just leave so you can move on and so he can move on. You deserve to be able to trust someone fully and have that person respect and love you enough not to cheat.

  3. I'm glad you messaged him about boundaries because this behaviour is highly unacceptable, and I do not like how he's saying you're both equal, you should rightfully be his priority over a friend, especially one acting so obsessive. She sounds exhausting and immature as hell. This is the type of behaviour that can escalate to stalking.

    If I were you I would have made him stop being friends with her to be honest. I've been with my husband since he was 15 and I was 16, and he knew better than to talk like that or allow this touching nonsense, as I'd set firm boundaries since the beginning of our relationship. So I can tell you that your boyfriend supposed to be acting more mature since he's 18, and should have put a stop to this girl's behaviour a long time ago.

    I hope he listens to your concerns at the very least.

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