Terry, y.o.
Location: Earth
Room subject: ‘, CrazyGoal’: slap cock face @ 150
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Live! Live Sex Chat rooms Terry
Date: September 30, 2022
Terry, y.o.
Location: Earth
Room subject: ‘, CrazyGoal’: slap cock face @ 150
To Start online video press there
He was pretty vague about the whole which is why Im so unsure. He made out that he knew for sure but then said he didn't want to get involved. He's just dropped this bomb and then fucked off. Thanks for the advice
The problem with that thinking is that she isn't a part of the reason she's with him. She doesn't value herself so she finds partners that reflect that back to her. If he leaves she'll just find another person who devalues her in the same way she devalues herself. That's why there's no point in telling someone to leave when it's a pattern. I've talked to my sister my whole life It's definitely a pattern unfortunately.
Oh it's in there.. I have the y gene and trust me, that's where the stupid comes from.
To answer this properly I have had this discussion with her, about 2 months ago. I told her that I feel like more of a father than a partner and I can't move forward with anything until these things are resolved.
However, the only things i mentioned where driving and picking up the slack.
I mentioned it again last night and she'd “tidied” the living room while I was in the gym. I throw quotation marks up because after I dropped her off this morning at 6:00am and entered the kitchen when i got back, all the stuff had be relocated to the kitchen. So, she'd not tidied anything, just caused me an issue that i needed to resolve to feed the dog and myself.
It’s not normal to constantly be questioned when your just living your life. You say you aren’t judging her but in your second sentence you call the things she does ‘strange and questionable’.
You wouldn’t ask her why she was doing a perfectly normal thing. So by asking her why she does stuff you’re saying she’s being weird and making her self conscious.
You should stop asking her why she does things the way she does. It’s just a backhanded way to criticise her
My sister and I have the same or similar views on everything. We have things in common, etc. We are just two very introverted people who never connected with one another. She's great, no complaints, but we aren't friends.