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TheRealNasielive sex stripping with Live HD


19 thoughts on “TheRealNasielive sex stripping with Live HD

  1. Could be that that was the final nail in the coffin. I wouldn't feel comfortable dating someone who shit talks someone behind their back.

    I doubt this was a one time decision though, could be that there were other instances that kept adding up and he just got sick of it.

  2. While she may be hitting a string of bad luck, she also has a history of being manipulative. That's clear in the self harm threats. If she's been diagnosed, ask to see the paperwork. Give her prerequisites for the assistance you provide. If she's treating your bf like a nonprofit, take control of it by requiring documentation that she's trying to improve her situation.

    That will also serve to help the son as long as the expectations are attainable. She's an adult and should be expected to act like one.

  3. “Guy who accidentally went on a couple dates with a trans woman” Day of Rememberance is not a thing. Trans Day of Rememberance is.

  4. And especially don’t have sex with men who think women shouldn’t have autonomy over their own body and be allowed to decide whether or not to give birth.

  5. I'd like to show you how frustrating that can be from the other side. I'm living in your GF's shoes right now.

    I took care of my dude financially for a few years while he was under employed. I bought all groceries, and anytime we ate out, I'd pay. I never minded because I knew he wasn't expecting me to do it. I wanted to hang out with him outside of the confines of our house, and I knew I'd have to pay to do so. I NEVER threw it in his face or anything. I was giving him the time I knew he needed to make his next career move. It took him 18 months of doing little, but I LOVE that I was able to give him that time and space to just breathe and think. He's now working a job that is a career path for him. He's never made much money, and with this job, he's quadrupled his salary. He has now informed me that “you don't pay for dinners out”, with a sense of pride I know he's enjoying. He's also started paying for friends to go out, and even has taken my parents out with us, to expensive restaurants, and pays. It is nice, but also frustrating cause he makes a big scene about demanding to pay for the whole bill.

    I got a gift card for a chain restaurant that is less than a mile from our house. We don't frequent it often, but enjoy when we do go. We were both exhausted earlier this week and I said “I have a gift card. Want to go to _____?” He agreed. He's the only person that I go there with as most people kind of turn their noses up at the place. It isn't my top option, but I 1) had the gift card, and 2) it was close. The bill came and he demanded to pay. When will I get to use my gift card if he keeps doing this? I SPECIFICALLY picked the place to use the gift card! So now he's out $30, I'm still stuck with this gift card I won't use without him, but he won't let me use it with him. It is maddening!

    Oh, and then he wants me to be thankful for this type of thing. Yes, I'm happy he wants to take care of me. But I'm also happy to share the burden, and to use gifts that have been given to me.

    You are not winning any favors by not letting her do what she wants to do cause you can't afford it. She's decided you're worth it, and please, just believe her. Relationships are PARTNERSHIPS, and if you refuse to let her be a partner, be in a relationship with yourself. You're trying to be noble, but instead you're being difficult.

  6. love how in the minds of this sub having a partner who has any personality flaw at all is settling and setting yourself up for misery

  7. I didn't pick that one thing out of your post. Even if there was no r@pe. He abused you terribly. The mental and emotional abuse you described was horriffic. That was without considering the sex.

  8. INFO: was today a special occasion or a significant date for one reason or another (the anniversary of a death or birth, or something happened)?

  9. Pretty fine except every single day she made the decision to lie to you about cheating on you.

    That’s over a thousand times she woke up and decided to lie to your face, decided that you didn’t deserve to know she fucked someone else.

    Surely you deserve to be with someone who respects you more than that?

  10. I dated a guy like this for a year. It will go nowhere and possibly blow up to be something ugly. It’s honestly not worth it. Don’t give your time and energy to someone who wants to play games. You deserve better!

  11. Emotional blackmail is not love – it’s the opposite. She doesn’t love you, she’s manipulating you. She needs a doctor or a therapist, not a person unhappily staying out of guilt. Please set some boundaries and stick to them. You not only have permission to leave, but encouragement.

  12. Talk to your parents!!! If you really believe this, they will have your back. Don’t go through with a marriage to someone who cares so little for you.

  13. yeah love that’s not fair at all (unless it’s satisfying both people ofc every relationship is different). you should BOTH be having your needs met. definitely sit him down and talk to him and if nothing changes you might have to break up with him. life is too short for bad or too little sex!

  14. She already knows what she is doing. There isn't anything that you can do to help her. It would be nice if I could validate your desire, but you asked for reality. She needs professional help.

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