Aria the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams


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Live! Live Sex Chat rooms Aria

Aria live! sex chat

Date: December 20, 2022

9 thoughts on “Aria the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. There is no amount of anything that can ever make this right. He pointed a gun at you. It was more than likely loaded and he prob had the safety off and his finger on the trigger. That’s the reality of your situation. Ten years of him will get you no gold because there was never a rainbow.

    Put yourself first. Fk him. Change the locks. Take his stuff pack it up and leave it for him somewhere not close to your house. Go stay with someone you feel safe. Absolutely ghost him. He deserves nothing more from you.

  2. I can't believe you and OP are getting all tight in semantics about him literally telling an ex that he's unavailable because he respects his current partner too much. His response doesn't leave the door open at all. Some people are just impossible to please. You and OP are ridiculous.

  3. Sounds like neither wants to share you (time, attention, love (platonic or not)) and that’s the core issue. Can be an issue with a best friend vs significant other. What is the reason your friend stays over? Maybe I missed it in the post.

  4. Nope. She didn’t need a place to stay…too coincidental, he never told you ahead of time. He knew you were unavailable for the night so he called her…it’s the way he is making you believe they are the same…very different. He’s cheating and your helping a friend.

  5. Honestly it sounds like your friend was just straight up rude to your boyfriend on multiple occasions and only now is making any attempt to correct things. I don’t blame your boyfriend for not being open to mending the relationship; your friend had many chances to show basic respect and kindness to your partner and she didn’t. I wouldn’t want to give someone like that another chance, and I wouldn’t be thrilled about them continuing to be so close with my partner after they’d acted so rudely. As a trans person myself, your friend doesn’t get a pass on being an asshole just because they may have been struggling; plenty of us go through a similar struggle and manage to still show basic decency to others.

  6. “I hate how women always reject me, it makes me feel so gross and pathetic”.

    Saying all women always reject you is generalizing an entire group of people and indicates all-or-nothing thinking. This is a cognitive distortion, is not authentic, and would signal a lack of self-awareness to a potential partner.

    Saying something like “I felt gross and pathetic when so-and-so rejected me” would be an authentic representation of your internal experience.

  7. He doesn’t walk on egg shells and whilst you may assume that, our relationship is very fruitful. Idc who’s celebs picture he likes as long as they are dressed modestly.

    I’m a very attractive woman who gets alot of attention outside of my relationship, I am self validated but hey bc I don’t like certain things … that makes me insecure? Things are not as black and white as they may seem to you.

    He’s never going to get tired of me, I love him a lot and so does he.

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